Data Processing Project


For most of the data projects under the purview of the TIES Data Team, there is a one-stop shop for all code related to the “data pipeline”: data-processing, sometimes known as data-proc. data-proc is a monorepo of many research projects, each mostly following the data project structure outlined in this handbook. Please read that document before continuing with this one to get the full context of each folder.

The Data Team uses a variety of technologies, mainly in the R ecosystem, to create its data projects. Each project has a similar file structure to maintain consistency and replicability across projects:

.github/         # All Github configuration [optional]
  workflows/     # All CI workflow definition files [optional]
blueprints/      # Contains all "blueprints" of datasets
codebooks/       # Contains exported codebooks of select datasets, depending on blueprint definition
  environment.R  # Definitions of all environment variables used in this project
  packages.R     # Any `library()` for packages to be available across the project
R/               # All definitions for custom functions employed in the pipeline
.Rprofile        # Supplemental file that primarily sets up `renv`
_targets.R       # The main workflow orchestration definition file
renv.lock        # Package dependency state capture file for `renv`

What’s important note from the outset is that data are not inside in these projects. Each project is versioned with git and hosted on TIES’ GitHub organization page. Most of our data are sensitive to some degree, so our operational practice is to load data directly via APIs or read from NYU Box.

Project templates can be created with the internal tool dtproj.


See also