• Fixes issue where coding deparsing could result in multi-length character vector
  • Fixes issue where recoding would lose attributes of recoded vector
  • link_codings now doesn’t drop unused links by default, preferring to error out instead
  • link_codings(.drop_unused) now signals to drop any links in from that aren’t captured in to, harmonizing information flow
  • as.character.coding now doesn’t include links_from by default. If you’d like to include that, use as.character(include_links_from = TRUE)
  • Missing value statements to code() now are reported in error message for better debugging experience
  • Adds to and from members to incomplete linking error object for end-user diagnostics
  • Allows “bpr.coding” attributes to be suitable sources for recoding if “rcoder.coding” is not defined
  • Adds {blueprintr} variable decoration support during assigning coding or recoding of vectors
  • Adds recode_vec and assign_coding, simple interfaces for recoding vectors and embedding codings as attributes in vectors, respectively
  • Adds a check to see if codings to be linked have no common links. A diagnostic error message is now displayed to track back the issue in the user code.
  • Initial release