This creates a function that accepts a vector and recodes it from the information provided in a `linked_coding_df`. Usually this is intended for package authors who want to operate at the recoding relational table level (e.g. mapping multiple codings to one). Most end users should use [recode_vec()] instead.

make_recode_query(linked_codings, from = 1, to_suffix = "to", ...)



A `linked_coding_df`


A character or integer that selects the correct original coding. Defaults to 1, the first linked coding.


The suffix used to signify which columns refer to values to which the vector will be recoded


Any other parameters passed onto the recoding function selector


A function with single argument when applied to an input vector will recode the vector appropriately


cdng_old <- coding(code("Yes", 1), code("No", 2))
cdng_new <- coding(code("Yes", 1), code("No", 0))
recode_func <- make_recode_query(link_codings(cdng_new, cdng_old))

vec <- sample(1:2, 20, replace = TRUE)
#>  [1] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0